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Welcome to Delta Phi Epsilon!

Delta Phi Epsilon is an organization that is built on the bonds of sisterhood, pride in the sorority, and support for one another. The mission of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority is to develop in women a social consciousness and a commitment to think and act for the greater good.

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Letter from the President

Welcome to the Beta Omega chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon here at St. John's University. “From the outside looking in you can never understand it, from the inside looking out, you can never explain it” This quote stands true the second I became a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon. The truth is, just like many freshman or young collegiettes in general I didn’t know greek life was something I wanted to be apart of until I was thrown into it. I went for it and never looked back; now two years later I couldn’t image my life without any of the girls that I have by my side right now.


Through the ups and downs you may face throughout your college career there is no better feeling then having a group of girls who don’t judge, will always listen, and will always build you up to be the best you can be at your side twenty four seven. Joining Delta Phi Epsilon has honestly changed my life. This organization has given me the wings to fly and has allowed me to be myself without the fear of being judged.


The Beta Omega chapter at St. John's University is made up of goal driven, beautiful, and smart young ladies who only want to better themselves. We are diverse, different in our own way, and can be a perfect fit for anyone just looking to fit in. The sisters of the Beta Omega chapter come from all over and have many different majors but it is our close-knit sisterhood that bonds us together.


I dare you to take the leap into greek life and find out for yourself all that Delta Phi Epsilon has to offer. I promise you wont regret it. Contact us at any time with as many questions that you may have. 


With Love,

Kayla Tyson

Beta Omega President


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