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Be Sisterly

We are ladies. We are unique. We are living proof that your dreams can come true. We are diverse. We are strong. We are brunette, blonde, red-headed, and raven-haired. We are fun. We are intelligent. We are ordinary girls. We cry. We laugh. We laugh more than we cry. We are real. We are living life to the fullest. We came together after spending our lives before college apart. We are more than you can imagine. We love. We arent the stereotype you are probably thinking of. We are sisters. We are dedicated. We are proud. We live by excellence. We are Delta Phi Epsilon.


“Sisterhood is for a lifetime”. These are words we live by in DPhiE. Women who join Delta Phi Epsilon find friendships and sisterhood that will last through college and beyond. Whether its catching up over lunch at school, taking classes together, getting ready for events and nights out, or going to the gym, we always find a way to spend time together.  As college students we must find time to grow and discover new things, and as sisters, we support each other as we follow our individual paths. From the moment we jump off stage on Bid Day – and through every step along the way – in DPhiE, sisters are always by our side.

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